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                        16.5 Route commands


     Defines the start of a schedule block. All commands following a
     Schedule command are considered a part of the same block until
     another Schedule command is encountered.

     TAG is a letter corresponding with the event tag, defined in
     FDSETUP (see "Events"). You should only have one Schedule block
     per defined event tag.

     The optional SEND-LIST parameter should contain the systems to
     qualify for the event.


     Qualifies the specified systems. This is identical to the
     optional SEND-LIST after the Schedule command.

     HOLD <LIST>

     Hold mail for the specified systems.


     The opposite of HOLD. Useful if you have global HOLD statements
     and want to negate the effect of those statements for one or more


     Send mail to the specified systems directly. This overrides the
     default routing rules. Some logics is applied to "directly" when
     using the NO-ROUTE command. Systems which FD cannot mail directly
     will be sent "as directly as possible".

     If <LIST> includes a system listed as PVT (unpublished telephone
     number), for example, FD evaluates the "NO-ROUTE" as "NO-ROUTE
     this message to the system's nearest Host/Hub".


     Unconditionally send mail to the specified systems directly (you
     can still place it on hold by using the HOLD command). No logics
     is applied to this command, and if FD cannot call the specified
     systems, the resulting mail packets are placed on hold
     automatically. Note that a system must still exist for this to
     apply. If a system that is included in a DIRECT <LIST> does not
     exist, the message will be stamped "Orphan" and not included in a
     mail packet, but it can still be picked up by the destination


     Route mail (excluding file attach messages) for the specified
     systems through TARGET. This automatically implies "NO-ROUTE
     <TARGET>", ie. the target system's mail will not be routed
     through another system, even if so previously stated.


     Route messages, not otherwise prevented from being routed, for
     the specified systems through their HOST system.


     Route messages, not otherwise prevented from being routed, for
     the specified systems through their HUB system.


     Route file attach messages (excluding normal mail) for the
     specified systems through TARGET. This automatically implies "NO-
     ROUTE <TARGET>", ie. the target system's mail will not be routed
     through another system, even if so previously stated.

     You should ask the SysOp of the TARGET system if he allows you to
     route files through his system before using this command.

     POLL <LIST>

     Force FD to call the specified systems even if there is no other
     mail destined for them. This does not effect the routing of
     existing mail destined for the specified systems. The POLL
     command unconditionally qualifies a system for mailing. Each
     system in LIST will only be called once. If an event is
     restarted, FD will not call systems that it has already polled.


     Specifies an exception to the LIST of the previously used


     Tells FD that you allow the specified systems to send mail
     (excluding file attach messages) through your system. Note that
     this does not place any restrictions of the destination of the
     forwarded mail.


     Tells FD that you allow mail (excluding file attach messages) to
     be forwarded through your system ONLY if it is destined to any of
     the specified systems. This is a more secure alternative to the
     FORWARD-FOR command.


     Identical to FORWARD-FOR, but for file attach messages.


     Identical to FORWARD-TO, but for file attach messages.

     DENY <LIST>

     Allows you to prevent the specified systems from picking up
     waiting mail. FD will still accept incoming mail from the
     specified systems. This can be used to prevent local (or other
     low-cost) systems from picking up their mail in national mail
     events, etc.


     Tells FD to use the SCRIPT FILE when calling the specified
     systems instead of the telephone number (if any) in your nodelist
     database. Script files are explained in a separate section.


     Prevents FD from using default script handling for the specified
     systems. Script files are explained in a separate section.

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